World Tour Duration...

269 Days. (The tours finished!)

The Approximate Route...

The Approximate Route...
Flights in solid black, overland in dotted red (click to enlarge)

We are currently in...

Bognor Regis, West Sussex, England. Staying at Home!

Photo of the Moment...

Photo of the Moment...
Taj Mahal at 6am. The beginning of the end...

26 August 2009


Evening peoples,

I added the map at the top today as so many people still ask us about the route. Not convinced its massively clear though, so thought i'd give a summary of what the general plan is (not all posts will be this long, promise!!). You can also click here, on the pic above or in this post to get a larger version....

Fly to New York then head down the east coast of USA. NY, Philli, Baltimaore, Washington then through the Appalachians (Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia) then through Florida to a flight that leaves Miami and scoots us back up the coast to Boston. From Boston we're gonna sort of go through New Hampshire and Vermont heading for Canada, might hit Montreal/Ottawa, but the general idea is to head through the Great Lakes (Toronto, Detroit, Chicago). It then gets crazy, we've planned only to get to Vancouver... Via Yellowstone National Park, not sure what happens in between!! Then we're off down the west coast (Seattle, Portland, San Fran, LA). There's an obligatory trip to Las Vegas for Stu's birthday, but we will pop back as we are flying out of LA...

Into Peru! Where we have a bit of a rest before hitting the Inca trail. There is a chance here that we will be at Machu Picchu for sunrise on my birthday - my fingers are crossed! We are then heading mainly east, through Bolivia into Brazil (Rio) then going south (Sao Paulo, Curitiba etc). We'll do Uraguay and Argentina, before jet setting out of Santiago in Chile...

Headed for New Zealand! We have a month here to get from Auckland in North Island to Christchurch in South Island, most probably via Fiordland National Park, a bungee jump, sky dive, white water raft and any other stupid pursuit we stumble across. From Christchurch we fly to...

Australia! Straight up the east coast here from Sydney to Cairns, with a possible scenic route through the outback depending on money, time and the temperature! We fly out of cairns (after surfing) and into...

Singapore, from which we have around ten weeks to get to New Delhi. And that is basically as detailed as that part is. We can't get many of the Visas until we reach Thailand, we don't know what the money/time situation will be, but we'd like to hit something like... Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Burma, Bangladesh??, Nepal, India.

Then we fly home and have another party!!

24 August 2009


Well, ye olde world tour is approaching quite quickly, so it's time to start writing! Bookmark this page!! Stu and myself will be writing here as much as we can and also hope we can stay in touch and up to date with everyone at home. Thats why it would be great for everyone to comment on these posts and message us back.

Most of you will have found your way here from our facebook message. I just wanted to reiterate my thanks to everyone for making the leaving doo, and that weekend in general a fantastic time. The effort everyone put in to make it from, lets face it, all corners of the UK, was very much apppreciated, and it was great to see you all. Big shout out to everyone who helped out making food - there was loads and it was delicious!!

So, try and pop back every now and again, i'll be writing some initial thoughts here before we leave, but things will really start to get interesting after the countdown at the top reaches zero!