World Tour Duration...

269 Days. (The tours finished!)

The Approximate Route...

The Approximate Route...
Flights in solid black, overland in dotted red (click to enlarge)

We are currently in...

Bognor Regis, West Sussex, England. Staying at Home!

Photo of the Moment...

Photo of the Moment...
Taj Mahal at 6am. The beginning of the end...

26 September 2009

Exhausting Miami!

Just a quick addition to the post on St Pete, We saw dolphins swimming just off the coast and I managed to swim out pretty close, they were jumping out the water all around the beach. We also saw Stingrays jumping out of the water at the end of the peir where Stu was fishing, very impressive. On arrival at Miami, we decided to head out in the eve, but drank mainly in the hostel as prices were crippling, I paid 12 dollars for a round, then had to tip! We also worried about fitting in everything we want to do here, so we booked an everglades tour for the morning after. This was also the same day we had booked tickets for a baseball game in the eve. It turns out that a hangover, getting to, around, back from the everglades then to and back from the baseball stadium (which was literally miles from the hostel) may have been too much, when we caught the last bus back (if we'd missed it we would have been in some serious number 2) we were exhausted on about every imaginable level. But what a day!!! An airboat ride in the everglades should be on to do lists, we saw lots of wildlife including some very mean looking alligators. We also saw an alligater wrestling show, where crazy man showed us lots of other animals up close. REALLY UP CLOSE. We thought it would be good to sit in the front row. I immediately regretted this decision when he poked a scorpion under my nose. I was literally passing bricks, not a fan of scorpions from a distance!
The baseball game was great, we managed to seat hop again and tried various locations throughout the stadium, buying a cheap ticket then sneaking around is a way forward. Unfortunately The Florida Marlins (our adopted team) lost by one run, which the other team (New York Mets) got at the top of the ninth (6-5 final score). Very annoying. There was a big fat american sitting infront of us at one point who was hiliarious, we did lots of hand slappiong and whooping together at anything remotely celebrateable. Once again we were amazed at the scale of the occasion, the americans are just big sports fans!
Were off to the beach now after some lunch. There are many beautiful people in Miami!


  1. Hi Guys
    How is the money panning out are you still on budget??
    Stephen! did you not push stuart out of the swomp boat as we had arranged to see how fast he could swim while being chased by the local reptiles ???

    stay safe
    Stu`s dad

  2. Loving the 'quick' addition Steve. The scorpions - not so much. New news: Lodger moved in today. She's a 2nd year com sci student. Should be fun...
